Mythbuster #1: The Spay/Neuter Process

During our “Mythbuster” blog series we’ll be taking a deeper look at some common pet care misconceptions with expert advice from both our veterinarians and other industry professionals.

For Mythbuster #1, we’re discussing the spay/neuter process.

February 28 is World Spay Day. Did you know three million homeless animals enter shelters each year in the US? Help stop overpopulation by getting your pet spayed or neutered. 

Common Myths about Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

MYTH: It’s better to have one litter before spaying a female pet.

Fact: Medical evidence indicates just the opposite. The evidence shows

that females spayed before their first heat are typically healthier.

MYTH: My pet will get fat and lazy.

FACT: The truth is that most pets get fat and lazy because they are over-fed and

don’t get enough exercise, not necessarily related to their spay/neuter status. If you monitor food intake and provide exercise, your pets will stay trimmed.

MYTH: I’ll find good homes for all the puppies and kittens.

FACT: You may find homes for your pet’s puppies and kittens, but you can’t

control what decisions other people make with their pets. Will they spay and

neuter? What will happen to their puppies and kittens? Will the next generation

end up at the shelter?

Benefits of spaying/neutering your pet:

1. Your pet will live a longer, healthier life.

2. It will help reduce the number of strays and unwanted

animals in a community.

3. It will help curb bad behavior by reducing urine marking, roaming, aggression, excessive barking, mounting, and other dominance-related behaviors.

Check out our other surgery blog to learn more about what you can expect from surgery with us, and call our office today to receive a personalized estimate for your pet’s surgery.

Thank you to our friends at Penn Veterinary Supply for providing portions of this information.

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